Menjawab Tag dari eryati...
Wah..daku rajin lak nak jawap tag yang daku dapat dari eryati..makacih bg daku tugas tambahan..huhuhu...meh kita skroll..tag tentang apa ye..hmm...
1. What is the most important things in Ur life?
My family...2. What is the last thing that U bought with Ur own money?
Kasut jenis Vincent n sock tuk Baby Qis...
3. Where do U wish to get married?
Dah kawin kalau nak celebrate my anniversary leh la..kat Paris..hahaha
4. How old do U think U will be permanently owned by Ur love?
Umor baru 22 daku da gatai nak kawin..hahahah
5. R U in love? ...
Yess...deeply crazy in love with my cik abgku..huhuhu
6. Where was the last restaurant U had dinner?
Malam tadi kat Steven Hots Pot...
7. Name the latest book that U bought?
Buku x de..majalah Rapi baru je...
8. What is Ur name?
Just call me Wonderwomen..hahaha...slalu org panggil iela je..
9. Do U prefer Ur Father or Mother?
????Mak tolong alonggg....
10. Name a person that U really wish to met in real life for the 1st time?
My Late Father...sbb x penah jumpa..meninggal umo 1thn lebih..x kenal
langsung...i wish my dream came true..but how its possible..
11. Christina or Britney?-
Dua2 pun x suka...hahahaha
12. Do U do Ur own laundry?
Yeap..everyday..klu x menggunungla jawabnya.
13. The most exciting place U want to go?
Paris..n Mekah..
14. Camera or MP3 or HP?
Semua diatas...
15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged U?-
Emm..kenal pun x lama..tapi yg pasti peminat novel nombor 1 dan juga
Rosyam Nor...suka windows shopping, dengar lagu dan yang confirm daku pun
suka ialah tenet..hahahaah
16. 3 things U say too often?-
Cinta, Cantik...Mana anak mama, sayang, mama
17. Book I've read recently?-
Baby Qis demam, tak sempat baca apa per pun..huhuhu
18. 4 songs I could listened to over and over again?
Janji Manismu, Sembilu, Layar Impian, Tak Ingin Lagi, Ku Tak Akan Bersuara
19. 3 things I learned last year?
Berblogging, wat spagetti sendiri..n busines online jual pekasam.ngehngeh
20. 8 People to Tag?
aten10, CuTeMiUt78, eRinsz, Atiqah, Ziha, BabyIbu,
cik intanurulfateha, iedaLuvsham
aih tiqah ditag pula????hmmm....
slmt mjwb soalan2 tu bg yg kena tag.....
dah lama takde tag2 ni dah muncul semula
upps erin di tag...
akan ku jawab di rumah pink ku..
oopss.. skali nama kita ada gak.. heh..heh.heh.. mekacih kak.. nnti kita buat ya.. sekarang ni keep dlm draft dulu
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