(click banner to join the contest)
Daku join lagi la...Cam ne nak join? Maklumat seperti dibawah:-
The one lucky winner will receive this Pouch (printed with July Monthly Planner)
and also a half yard of English Cotton (design will be a surprised!!!)~ :happy:Open to readers residing in Malaysia
and giveaway will end on midnight 29th June, 2009.
Lucky winner will be chosen randomly.To enter, leave a comment on this post telling me
what you like about my monthly planners and what you might like to make with the fabric!!
It’s that easy! and Don’t forget to blog about this giveaway on your blog.
mari ramai2 kita meriahkan!
and also a half yard of English Cotton (design will be a surprised!!!)~ :happy:Open to readers residing in Malaysia
and giveaway will end on midnight 29th June, 2009.
Lucky winner will be chosen randomly.To enter, leave a comment on this post telling me
what you like about my monthly planners and what you might like to make with the fabric!!
It’s that easy! and Don’t forget to blog about this giveaway on your blog.
mari ramai2 kita meriahkan!
salam semua pengunjung blog kak miela77...ikan pekasam ikan pekasam...yeah tiqah dh dtg utk menyambung komen..hahaha...
nmpknye de beberapa peserta giveaway kak miela ni yg sdg menyaingi kedudukan tiqah..huhhuh..kena kejar blk nih..
kak ziha dh terlebey sdah commentnye..mne aci cmni...huhuhuh
hek eleh Tqah..jeles arr tuh..xsgaje da cover blik pe..sok nye komen 29 jer..blh la tu kan kak miela?? counter sblh tu lmbt appear..
Xpe Tqah..persaingan yang sihat per..hihi..xde hasad dengki pnyer..klu nk kna berusaha gigih..hehe
Hmm sbnrnye baru prsn contest2 nih..da byk2 komen baru th..waaa byk gak kak miela join contest2 ni yer..
aeshh.. ada lagik korang dua orang nieh.. ku rotan kang..
kak erin dah kata kan, jangan lawan orang tua
dah dah ler tu tiqah ngan ziha nie ksian ler akak nie ha.. lelemak kummgidam ikan pekasam nieh
komen jgn tak komen..kang pekasam tu lesap..cepat komenn
nak bayak kan komen...komen ler tiap n3..coz sis miela nie rajin update blog
kite nk beri gelaran kak miela Queen Contest la..bolh kak miela??
kne wat award queen contest nih..hehe
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