Monday, November 18, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Assalamualaikum kawan2.
Hari ni daku nak cerita lagi pasal RM20 segera yang aku cerita pasal post before ni.
DAku baru je join hari tu kan.
Dan sesuatu mengejutkan telah berlaku.
Dengan tiba-tiba.
Sedang daku tengah main laptop tengok running man gelak terbahak-bahak, ada email masuk.
DAku dengan relaxnya buka.
RM20segera, penipu, komisyen, dapat duit, kerja, kosong
RM20, segera, penipu, komisyen, duit, jana, duit, percuma, perniagaan, tanpa, modal
**daku censored la segala email daku. tengok apa yang patut je. HAHAHA
okey. itu daku yang aku dapat.
Peh. Baru sehari kot join.
berbaloi memang berbaloi.
Sekarang daku tak nak cakap apa lah kan. Daku tahu ramai ragu-ragu. HAAAA.. TIPU TAK TIPU.
Dalam sehari je dah balik dah modal daku.
Alhamdulillah. Murah rezeki.
Bagi sesiapa yang berminat nak dapat duit RM20 tanpa henti ni..
Boleh join di SINI
ada nak tanya apa-apa, sila tinggalkan komen anda. InsyaAllah saya balas as soon as possible. okeyhh
Posted by Unknown at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 18, 2013
Lama x update blog ni..bersawang sana sini da..hehehe...ekceli daku mula terasa nak buat jualan borong balik sebab permintaan akhir2 ni agak memberangsangkan. Lagipun akhir2 ni expenses meningkat ...dgn supplement lg..checkup x henti...kesihatan on CIK SLE kita akan kalah dgn Miela..
moga semangatku kuat utk terus melawan CIK SLE dan teruskan biz on9 yg hampir mencecah tahun ke5... terima kasih atas kepercayaan kwn2 yg masih sudi bershopin dgn ku...luv uols..doakan yg terbaik buatku...
Posted by Unknown at 3:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Akhir-akhir ini banyak laporan polis dibuat oleh pembeli kerana telah ditipu oleh seller yang menjual secara online. Duit dah bayar pada seller tetapi seller tidak hantar barang. Sudah tentu dia tidak akan hantar kerana sememangnyer niat dia nak menipu . Jika bernasib baik si penipu ni akan hantar pun kotak kosong atau batu bata. Rasanya jika disemak dengan pihak polis kerugian terkumpul mencecah jutaan ringgit setiap tahun.Pastikan anda dapat no telefon seller tersebut. Tidak kira la anda dapat no telefon bimbit atau no telefon talian tetap seperti no rumah atau no kedai. Jangan hanya berurusan dengan fb ataupun email walaupun ianya menjimatkan namun ianya tidak selamat. Jika anda menhantar sms, pastikan anda simpan setiap rekod sms anda dengan seller tersebut. Ini boleh dijadikan sebagai rujukan.
Jadi pembeli bijak dengan mendapatkan maklumat lengkap seller seperti berikut :
- Nama Penuh
- Alamat seller/lokasi.
- No Pendaftaran Perniagaan Dengan SSM. Seboleh-bolehnya urus niaga dengan seller yang mempunyai syarikat dan telah daftar perniagaan mereka dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia
- Fb Seller jika ada.
- Laman web/blog jika ada.
- No Akaun bank. Pastikan nama pemilik akaun dan nama seller sepadan. Sebaik baiknya pastikan seller dapat memberi no akaun syarikat.
Seller yang baik dan jujur tidak teragak-agak memberi maklumat yang diminta.
Anda boleh kenali seller dengan cara amat mudah setelah anda dapst maklumat seller. Kenali kejujuran mereka dengan membeli produk yang bernilai kecil..mungkin berharga RM 10, RM20, RM30, RM50 terlebih dahulu sebelum meneruskan urusiaga yang bernilai besar. Ini memberi peluang pada anda utk kenali kejujuran mereka.. jika mereka hantar alhamdulillah. Jika tidak hantar pun sekurang-kurangnya kerugian anda tidak besar. Minimumkan risiko kerugian. Sekiranya urusniaga kecil berjaya anda boleh teruskan urusniaga kedua, ketiga dan seterusnya dengan seller yang menunaikan janji iaitu mereka yang menghantar produk tempahan anda.
Dizaman penuh teknologi mendapatkan sesuatu maklumat bukanlah perkara susah. Anda boleh kenal pasti penipu dengan buat pencarian di google. MASUKKAN NAMA SELLER/NO AC BANK, NO TELEFON ATAU ALAMAT SELLER DI KOTAK SEARCH ENGINE. InsyaAllah jika penipu besar biasanya rakan-rakan kita yg pernah ditipu telah masukkan nama dan makumat seller tersebut di forum, fb, twitter, google+ dan web site. So disini dapat membantu kita mengenalpasti siapa seller tersebut. Jika nasib baik gambar seller penipu ni pun ada. Kerja lebih sikit tidak mengapa asalkan tidak ditipu. JANGAN TERUSKAN URUSNIAGA JIKA ANDA TELAH MENDAPAT TAHU BAHAWA SELLER INI PENIPU.
Ni satu lagi taktik yang baik utk mengenalpasti seller penipu atau seller jujur. Request secara olok-olok utk membeli barang secara self collect ataupun cash on delivery (COD) walau dimana pun lokasi dia. Seorang seller yang jujur biasanyer tiada masalah utk melakukan transaksi cod atau self collect di lokasi seperti yg dia iklankan mengikut temujanji. Namun untuk seller yang nak menipu biasanya dia akan senyap terus, atau pun mengelak dengan memberi alasan berikut :
- lokasi dia jauh walaupun anda telah beri kesanggupan untuk mengambil biarpun jauh.
- Barang Tiada dengan saya, ada dengan rakan, keluarganya dan mcm2 lagi.
- Tiada masa nak berjumpa tetapi tidak cuba arrange masa yang bersesuaian.
So jika terlalu banyak alasan sudah tentu ianya menjurus ke arah penipuan.
Wau..siapa yang tidak tertarik dengan harga yang amat rendah. Sudah tentu menjimatkan. Tetapi sy nasihatkan jika anda jumpa iklan harga rendah ini kenal pasti betul2. Saya tidak kata tidak boleh teruskan urusniaga cuma minta jangan mudah terpedaya kerana ini salah satu taktik penipuan mereka. Kadang kala ada seller jujur yang memang boleh bagi harga rendah kerana nak buat promosi atau mendapat sesuatu barang dari pembekal dengan harga murah. So berhati-hati. Utk promosi harga rendah sy nasihatkan agar buat self collect utk elakkan ditipu.
Oppps tip ini bahaya..namun ada benar juga. Jangan berurusan dengan seller jika anda telah was-was pada peringkat awal. Ikut gerak hati anda. Ini kerana cara seller berurusan dengan kita pun akan akan menyelamatkan kita. So ikut gerak hati. Biasanyer seller yg gagal meyakinkan kita adalah seller yang gagal menjawab setiap soalan kita dan gagal memberi maklumat seller.
Sekiranya seorang seller telah berjaya meyakinkan anda dan anda pun yakin bahawa tidak ditipu. Teruskan urusniaga dengan buat bayaran. Namun setelah buat bayaran pastikan anda simpan setiap rekod bayaran seperti slip bank atau rekod onkine tranfer anda. Ini penting sebagai bukti pembayaran yang boleh dikemukakan kepada pihak polis jika anda ditipu. Sekali lagi nak ingatkan bahawa sebelum bank in pastikan NAMA SELLER SAMA SEPERT NAMA PEMILIK AKAUN. Jika seller guna akaun syarikat pastikan Nama akaun bank dan nama Syarikat Seller Sama.
Untuk urusan pos/ courier semuanya memiliki tracking number. Jadi minta tracking number pada seller. Sms/call seller utk minta tracking number. Remind mereka jika mereka terlupa. Sy faham sebagai seller online kadang2 kami terlupa kerana terlalu banyak tempahan oerlu diuruskan setiap hari, tetapi yang penting kami tidak tipu kerana sy sendiri akan terus bagi setelah di ingatkan oleh buyer. Seller yang menipu pula biasanya akan bagi juga tracking number.. tapi kebiasaanya tidak benar. Tracking number yang palsu.
Paling teruk pula seller penipu ni akan terus senyap..tiada berita.walaupun dah berhari hari cuba menghubungi seller hp pun telah dimatikan. Jika ini berlaku, jangan tunggu sampai seminggu..cukup 2 ke tiga hari..tunggu barang..jika tiada sah anda telah ditipu dan TERUS BUAT LAPORAN POLIS. HANYA POLIS SAHAJA MUNGKIN DAPAT BANTU ANDA. Namun kemungkinaan anda dapat balik duit anda tu bergantung pada keadaan.
Seller yang mempunyak online store biasanya adalah seller yang baik. Namun ianya tidak menjamin keselamatan urusniaga 100%. Anda perlu jadi bijak dan berhati hati. Lihat tawaran dengan teliti dalam online store tersebut. Terdapat banyak online store yang anda dalam malaysia. Semua pemilik online store perlu berdaftar denganh penyedia khidmat online store. Penyedia khidmat ini memiliki maklumat seller seperti nama, no ic, salinan ic, salinan ssm dan sebagainya Sekiranya penipuan dibuat oleh seller dan laporan polis dibuat oleh buyer, penyedia khidmat online store ini akan bekerjasama dengan pihak polis untuk memberi sebarang maklumat tentang seller kepada pihak polis sekiranya diarahkan berbuat demikian. Antara online store yang ada seperti,,, dan banyak lagi. Sekurang kurangnya pastikan seller mempunyai
Jika anda tidak yakin untuk meneruskan pembelian secara online dan penghantaran melalui pos/courier, anda boleh buat self collect di kedai seller/cod. Jika anda jauh dari seller anda boleh minta bantuan keluarga/rakan anda yang berada berhampiran dengan seller untum mengambil barang tersebut. Maklumkan pada seller niat anda ini. InsyaAllah seller yang jujur tidak anda masalah utk melakukan jualan secara cod/self collect. Cara ini sudah pasti lebih selamat dan meyakinkan terutama bila boleh beli barang dengan harga rendah.
Sekian, Terima kasih.
Posted by Unknown at 2:23 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Untuk Blogger
- Buat simple entry bertajuk ‘ MIELA77 ONLINE SHOPPE LIKE & SHARE GIVEAWAY’ . Letak gambar sahaja pun cukup.Tak perlu karang ayat bunga-bunga bagai.
- Copy gambar dan backlinkkan ke entry ini . Jgn lupa set Entry Melekat ye..hehehe
- Tinggalkan link di kotak komen .
- Setel..sapa komen & share terbanyak bakal memenangi Gripgo percuma.
Posted by Unknown at 3:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: my giveaway
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Lupus Sukar Dikesan, Tiada Penawar
rosemary70 Post at 2013-03-01 13:01
Lebih lima juta penduduk dunia menghadapi masa depan yang tidak menentu selepas didiagnos dengan masalah 'systemic lupus erythematosus' (SLE) atau singkatnya Lupus.Sehingga kini, tiada ubat dan kajian mendalam bagi menangani lupus. Simptomnya yang menyerupai simptom penyakit lain turut menyebabkan pesakit tersalah diagnos. Jadi, tidak pelik walaupun lupus sudah dikenali dalam dunia perubatan sejak 1800, ubat-ubatan mengawal lupus masih 'dipinjam' daripada penyakit lain.Lupus sukar dikesan.
Simptom utamanya sakit sendi, keletihan, ruam kulit dan demam sama seperti kebanyakan penyakit biasa. Keadaan itu menyebabkan pesakit menerima rawatan bagi penyakit yang tidak mereka alami. Buat masa ini pesakit lupus tidak dapat diubati dan mungkin boleh membawa maut.Sampai bilakah senario ini akan berlanjutan? Adakah kerana pesakitnya hanya 5 juta di dunia termasuk 10,000 di Malaysia justeru, penyakit itu dipinggirkan.
Lupus adalah penyakit yang menyerang individu berusia 15 hingga 44 tahun. Kebanyakan pesakit Lupus adalah wanita. Mereka biasanya diserang lupus pada usia kesuburan.Pemangku Presiden Persatuan SLE Malaysia, Prof Madya Dr Esha Das Gupta, berkata lupus kurang dikenali sebagai masalah kesihatan global, justeru, tidak hairan ia kerap terpinggir dari segi kepentingan.Bagaimanapun, katanya pengesanan awal, diagnosa dan rawatan boleh melambatkan komplikasi penyakit ini. Justeru, meningkatkan kesedaran mengenal simptom lupus tentu saja boleh membantu menyelamatkan nyawa."Begitupun apa yang berlaku sebaliknya kerana simptomnya seperti kebanyakan penyakit biasa. Doktor juga tersilap dalam membuat diagnosis dan kesilapan itu menyebabkan pesakit menderita untuk beberapa tahun atau lebih hingga diagnosis tepat dibuat," katanya.Lupus mempunyai impak yang besar terhadap sistem perkhidmatan kesihatan dan masyarakat disebabkan kerumitan penyakit ini dan rawatannya. Bergantung kepada organ mana yang terjejas dan tahap seriusnya serangan penyakit ini, pesakit lupus mungkin terpaksa mengambil berjenis-jenis ubat dan rawatan. Selain itu, mereka mungkin dirawat oleh doktor pakar yang tidak tepat (bergantung pada organ yang terjejas), menjalani pelbagal ujian, prosedur kesihatan dan keluar masuk hospital berulang kali.Dalam kes ini, penderitaan mental lebih hebat daripada penderitaan lupus itu sendiri. Justeru, hampir semua persatuan lupus di seluruh dunia memperjuangkan kesedaran dan diagnosia awal. Apatah lagi dalam 40 tahun kebelakangan ini, tiada sebarang ubat baru yang selamat dan berkesan diperkenalkan. Ubat semasa untuk lupus mengandungi banyak toksik. Natijahnya, ia mendatangkan komplikasi lain yang lebih teruk daripada lupus.Rawatan lupus semasa termasuklah pengambilan kartikosteroid dalam dos tinggi, ubat anti malaria, imunosupresif dan ubat anti penolakan yang awalnya dibangunkan urituk pesakit barah dan pemindahan organ.
Mengenali Lupus
Lupus adalah radang kronik yang disebabkan penyakit auto imun dan terjadi apabila tisu badan diserang oleh sistem keimunan tubuh.Sistem imun adalah sistem dalam tubuh yang sangat kompleks, direka bagi menentang ejen jangkitan penyakit seperti bakteria dan bendasing yang masuk ke tubuh. Bagaimanapun, bagi pesakit lupus, mereka menghasilkan antibodi abnormal dalam darah yang mensasarkan tisu dalam tubuh sendiri.Disebabkan antibodi dan sel pengiring radang boleh membabitkan mana-mana tisu dalam badan, lupus berpotensi menjejaskan mana-mana kawasan tubuh. Lupus boleh menyebabkan penyakit kulit, paru-paru, jantung, buah pinggang, sendi atau sistem saraf.Apabila serangan itu berlaku pada kulit, ia disebut lupus, tetapi apabila membabitkan organ lain, ia dikenali sebagai SLE.Lupus lebih cenderung menyerang wanita. Ia juga cenderung menyerang mereka daripada keturunan Afrika-Amerika, Cina dan Jepun.
Faktor genetik meningkatkan kecenderungan menyebabkan masalah auto imun dan penyakit auto imun seperti lupus, rheumatoid arthritis dan kekacauan imun tiroid.Sesetengah saintis percaya, sistem imun dalam lupus mudah distimulasi oleh faktor luaran seperti virus. Kadangkala simptom lupus lebih buruk apabila pesakit terdedah pada cahaya matahari.Banyak ubat-ubatan dilaporkan menjadi pencetus SLE. Kebanyakan ubat ini dikatakan menstimulasi sistem imun.Sistem hormon wanita juga dikaitkan dengan SLE. Hubungan hormon dengan SLE bagaimanapun masih lagi dalam kajian.Mutasi genetik yang mengganggu sistem 'pembuangan sampah' dalam tubuh dikaitkan dengan permulaan SLE.
Ruam merah atau perubahan warna pada muka. Biasanya berbentuk rama-rama pada hidung dan mata. (ada)
Sendi membengkak dan sakit. (ada n sdg menderita)
Demam tanpa sebab. (ada on n off terutama mlm)
Sakit dada ketika menarik nafas panjang.Kelenjar menjadi bengkak.(ada)
keletihan yang berlebihan. (amat letih)
Keguguran rambut yang luar biasa (terutama di atas kepala). (yup hr2 gugur)
Jari tangan atau kaki menjadi pucat atau berwarna ungu kerana kesejukan atau tekanan. (mslh daku color pink smpi doc heran)
Sensitif terhadap matahari. (amat2 sensitif)
Sel darah rendah.
Kemurungan, sukar menumpukan perhatian atau masalah ingatan. (selalu down lately)
Ulser mulut. (yup tp x byk)
Sawan tanpa sebab.
Masalah mental.
Keguguran yang kerap.
Masalah buah pinggang[size=85%]
Sumber: Persatuan SLE Malaysia.
Rawatan Lupus
Tiada rawatan kekal untuk lupus. Sasaran dalam merawat adalah mengurangkan simptom dan melindungi organ yang merosot fungsinya disebabkan radang atau tahap aktiviti auto imun dalam tubuh. Ubat-ubatan yang diberi biasanya bergantung pada simptom dan organ yang terjejas.Pesakit yang mengalami kemerosatan fungsi organ dalaman memerlukan kartikosteroid dalam dos yang tinggi. Selain itu, mereka mengambil kombinasi ubat-ubatan lain yang menekan sistem imun tubuh manakala bagi pesakit yang mengalami masalah sendi biasanya mereka diberi ubat anti radang bukan steroid (NSAIDs).
Posted by Unknown at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Posted by Unknown at 1:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: Daku
Gambar Sekitar Kebakaran Rumah Pengasas Produk Kecantikan Vida Beauty (13 Photo)
Gambar Sekitar Kebakaran Rumah Pengasas Produk Kecantikan Vida Beauty (13 Photo)
Posted by Unknown at 12:32 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Posted by Unknown at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Emosi daku amat terganggu lately...maybe sbb sering xsht ditambah lak dgn beb mslh yg xdpt daku nk cite kt sini...benar kata doktor..stress boleh menyebabkan SLE bertambah aktif..
Dalam menempuh dugaan melanda...diiringi dgn sakit yg berulang2..ditambah dgn berita kehilangan seorg lg LUPUS FIGHTER - Cik Gugel jumaat lps buat daku bertambah2 stress...adakala daku giveup tp mengenangkan anak2 n mak..buat daku kuat dan berusaha tuk bertahan.
Mungkin ramai dikalangan buyer Miela77 Online Shoppe tak tau sebenarnya owner blogshop tsb sdg struggle berusaha meneruskan kelangsungan hidup..walau dilanda sakit...ku msh cuba bersemangat utk teruskan biz on9 ni cuma beza dulu daku handle stok kini.ku prefer dropship je..malah daku xsegan2 memaklumkan pd cust bahawa stok diuruskan terus oleh pembekal. Alhamdulillah..masih ada yg percaya. Walaupun hasil pendapatannya tidak seperti dulu namun daku masih berusaha..
Apapun daku bersyukur, SLE hanya menyerang kulit & saraf..(DLE & LUPUS ARTHIRITIS)..msh belum effect organ..sdgkan sekarang bila ku lihat jari2 ku.mula.menyenget pn emosi merundum..bygkn kalau serang organ? Ya Allah..minta dijauhkan...ramai yg memujuk daku.membeli produk mereka konon sesuai.tuk.SLE. Namun tahukah mereka SLE ni adalah sakit berulang2..kami x mungkin sembuh cuma boleh bertahan. Oleh itu walau beribu2 supplement yg diambil..mgkn baik utk tempoh masa tertentu sahaja..anytime ia akan menyerang kembali. Kadangkala sedih gak bila org claim daku terfikirkah mereka yg daku bkn org berada. ..yg boleh labur duit.beribu2 sewenang2nya..daku struggle n berusaha tuk.dptkn.sesuatu...jarang sekali.meminta2..oleh itu wajarkah daku keluarkan beribu2 sebulan tuk.supplement yg blm pasti.keberkesanannya atau daku.gunakan duit tsb utk kelangsungan hidup demi anak2. Cuma daku terfikir..apakah suatu hari nanti pakar bakal menemui penawar tuk SLE?
Posted by Unknown at 11:46 PM 3 comments
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Penyambung susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang yang sedang dalam pembinaan runtuh dalam satu kejadian kira-kira pukul 7.15 petang tadi.Runtuhan yang berlaku di Lebuh Raya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu berhampiran Batu Maung itu dikuatiri menghimpap beberapa kenderaan yang sedang melalui jalan berkenaan.Anggota keselamatan sedang giat menjalan pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui jumlah kenderaan dan mangsa yang terlibat.Runtuhan itu juga mengakibatkan laluan berkenaan ditutup untuk semua kenderaan. Sebuah kenderaan telah dihempap oleh runtuhan jambatan tersebut dan maklumat awal mengatakan kesemua 4 mangsa yang berada didalam kenderaan tersebut meninggal.
Posted by Unknown at 9:42 PM 0 comments
Penyambung susur keluar Jambatan Kedua Pulau Pinang yang sedang dalam pembinaan runtuh dalam satu kejadian kira-kira pukul 7.15 petang tadi.Runtuhan yang berlaku di Lebuh Raya Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu berhampiran Batu Maung itu dikuatiri menghimpap beberapa kenderaan yang sedang melalui jalan berkenaan.Anggota keselamatan sedang giat menjalan pemeriksaan untuk mengetahui jumlah kenderaan dan mangsa yang terlibat.Runtuhan itu juga mengakibatkan laluan berkenaan ditutup untuk semua kenderaan. Sebuah kenderaan telah dihempap oleh runtuhan jambatan tersebut dan maklumat awal mengatakan kesemua 4 mangsa yang berada didalam kenderaan tersebut meninggal.
Posted by Unknown at 9:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 31, 2013
Di serang rashes SLE yg melampau
SLE amat2 digeruni kerana sistem auto imune menyerng tisu2 badan sendiri. Dan akhir2 ni daku mengalama radangan sendi, demam berlarutan on of, kerap sakit kepala malah kerap mc. Paling ketara rashes menyerang muka, belakang telinga, kepala, dlm telinga malah dlm mata. Dan yg plg menghairankan rashes ni muncul dlm kulit & gatal. Segan sungguh bila tgk wajah n kulit sendiri. Baru blk dr Pakar Dermatologi & Doc Esther menasihatiku agar kurangkn aktiviti.luar...hmm nmpk gayanya mmg daku xdpt join g Hatyai la hjg bln 6 ni..xpe janji sihat.
Terbaca kt Remaja page 98 n 99 kisah Dayang Deno yg menderita SLE LN Lvl 4 sejak.14thn yg lepas. Kisah tsb memotivasiku agar kuat & tabah hadapi dugaan ALLAH SWT. all SLE.WARRIOR.
Posted by Unknown at 2:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Nyerinya Carpal Tunnel Sydrome ...Share kwn2
Posted by Unknown at 2:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 13, 2013
Petua menangani kanak-kanak hiperaktif (ADHD)
Petua menangani kanak-kanak hiperaktif (ADHD)
Tips for Parenting a Child With ADHDReviewed by Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MDWhat Is ADHD?ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a behavioral condition characterized by inattention, impulsiveness, and/or hyperactivity. It has been estimated that approximately 5% of U.S. children have ADHD, according to established diagnostic criteria.The three key symptoms of ADHD are hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. These symptoms typically interfere with the child’s functioning in social and academic settings, such as paying attention to tasks at home or school, making careless errors, being easily distracted, not following through with tasks or completing instructions, being easily bored, losing things, being forgetful, having difficulty organizing tasks, being fidgety, having difficulty remaining seated, and talking excessively, to name a few.Many children with ADHD will have symptoms that persist into adulthood. Effective treatments for ADHD include both medications and behavioral therapies. Not surprisingly, parenting a child with ADHD can pose special challenges.Many of the symptoms of ADHD are also symptoms seen during normal childhood and development, and exhibiting one or more of the symptoms does not mean that a child has ADHD. It is also important to note that for a health-care professional to make a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms must have been present for at least six months in more than one setting (for example, home, school, and in the community), usually beginning before 7 years of age, and the symptoms must be inconsistent with the developmental level of the child and severe enough to interfere with the child’s social or academic functioning.What Should I Do if I Am Concerned That My Child Might Have ADHD?If you are concerned about your child’s behavior, it is appropriate to communicate this to your child’s primary health-care provider. He or she can help you determine whether further evaluation may be necessary and whether your child’s behavioral symptoms are suggestive of ADHD. If a formal evaluation is indicated, this evaluation will involve professionals from various disciplines to provide a comprehensive medical, developmental, educational, and psychosocial evaluation.Think PositivelyWhile ADHD can certainly present unique and sometimes what can seem to be daunting challenges, being able to sincerely know and have confidence in your child’s strengths can go a long way toward helping him or her be the very best person he or she can be. Many famous, accomplished, and indeed brilliant people of the past and present have ADHD. An outstanding example of learning to have a positive outlook about ADHD is demonstrated in the children’s book and movie called, Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief.Another benefit to thinking positively about your child with ADHD is its infectious nature. It is much easier for the child’s teacher, coaches, peers, and in fact, the child him- or herself to accept and harness strengths when the parent communicates and emphasizes those strengths. The challenge for parenting a child with ADHD is to be able to use the child’s unique gifts and address his or her challenges to work toward achieving the child’s fullest potential.Define Schedules and RoutinesClearly defined schedules and routines are essential for children (as well as for teens and adults) with ADHD. Having an established, while not inflexible, pattern for getting ready in the mornings, preparing for bedtime, and managing after-school homework and activities provides a sense of consistency and allows the child to know what to expect. It can be helpful for older children to have plenty of conspicuous clocks to use as cues for time management. Some parents find that the use of timers (for homework time, time to finish up play, etc.) helps for younger children.To make the process more enjoyable or easier to remember, charts and checklists can be used that list the steps or tasks required for each time of day. For example, the “morning checklist” can include items like making the bed, brushing their teeth, and helping to prepare school lunch. Hang the checklists in a conspicuous place and allow your child to check off completed items as they are done, if he/she wishes.As with clearly defined schedules, attainable, clearly defined rules and expectations are also essential for kids with ADHD. In both school and at home, children with ADHD need a consistent and clearly defined set of rules. It can be helpful to create a list of rules for the home and post them in a place where the child can easily see them. It’s very important to stick to the rules and provide fair and consistent rewards and consequences when the household rules are not followed.Give Clear InstructionsAvoid vague or open-ended instructions such as “clean up your mess” or “play nicely” that do not accurately convey the specific tasks that you want to be done. Instead, use clear language and specific instructions such as “please put all the dirty clothes in the hamper,” “please put all the toys back on the shelves,” or “let’s allow your friend to have a turn playing with the toy.” Speak in a calm and clear voice, and be sure to establish kind eye contact with your child when you give instructions so it is more likely he or she is focused on what you are saying. It can be helpful to have your child repeat the instructions back to you. Breaking down instructions for larger tasks into simple steps can also be helpful.Discipline, Rewards, and ConsequencesChildren with ADHD respond very well to a defined and predictable system of rewards and consequences to manage behavior and discipline. Reward positive behaviors with praise or with small rewards that cost little or no money, such as special time with a parent or participating in an outing or favorite activity. Focus on praise or privileges as rewards rather than offering foods or toys as prizes.It’s always best to give more rewards and positive praise than negative comments or consequences. For example, smile and say, “I like the way you’re working on your homework” or “you’re doing a great job clearing the table.” Ask your child to say what he or she did well during an activity and help him or her to come up with something if he or she cannot.Likewise, consequences for negative behaviors should be fair, appropriate, consistent, predictable, and swiftly implemented and completed. Major events like holidays or the child’s birthday should never be completely withdrawn or uncelebrated because of something the child did. Consequences ideally should be explained in advance and should occur immediately following the negative behavior. Delayed consequences (such as not participating in an event or outing in the following week) are not as effective as immediate consequences. Consequences can include time-outs, removal from the situation or setting, or restriction of privileges. It is very important that the consequence occur after every instance of negative behavior.Use Time-Out EffectivelyParticularly for younger children, time-outs can be an effective consequence for negative behaviors that serve the additional purpose of removing the child from an overstimulating or stressful environment. A time-out is also an immediate consequence that is likely to be more effective than a delayed consequence. Many experts recommend that time-outs not last longer in minutes than the child’s age in years (for example, a five-minute time out for a 5-year-old). Longer than that may be too difficult for the child to complete, leading him or her to be more likely to defy doing the time-out at all.In some situations, ignoring an undesired behavior may be an effective behavior-modification technique for children with ADHD. Obviously, behavior that is risky or injurious to the child or to others cannot be ignored, but behaviors such as whining, nagging, and arguing sometimes can be ignored until the behaviors stop. Many children with ADHD crave attention from others, even if it is negative attention in the form of yelling, shouting, or scolding. Refusing to provide any attention to the child who is behaving inappropriately can be effective if done consistently. For the child who gets increasingly loud or disruptive (escalates) when ignored, another way to respond may involve calmly and quietly telling the child that when they are calm and quiet the conversation can resume.Develop Organizational AidsChildren with ADHD have poor executive functioning skills, which means, among other difficulties, that they have trouble organizing their belongings and tasks. Some parents (in cooperation with teachers) have found it helpful to provide color-coded binders and notebooks for each school subject, as well as a homework sheet in the front of the binder that lists homework for each school day. Others may find that purchasing a second set of textbooks for the home is useful for the child who frequently forgets to bring the proper materials home. Help your child develop an organizational system for his/her room and belongings and stick to it.Eliminate DistractionsWhile this sounds obvious, many home environments are simply chaotic and full of distractions for the child with ADHD. Be sure that your child has plenty of quiet time and space to complete homework and other tasks. A homework space that is free of external distractions like television and video games, and is not located in rooms in the home where most people congregate is key to successful completion of assignments.Think of changing your child’s less positive behaviors like training for a marathon. Just like no one would expect you or anyone else to go from never running at all to completing 26-plus miles, it is unfair and unrealistic to expect your child to change 15, or 10, or even five behaviors immediately. Don’t expect dramatic changes overnight. If your goal is to have your child sit still politely through a restaurant meal or family outing, break the process down into small and attainable goals like not interrupting a conversation for five minutes, remaining seated for 10 minutes, etc. Be sure to offer plenty of praise and rewards when these small goals are met.Changing all of a child’s negative behaviors at once is never possible, and attempting to do so can create unbearable stress for both parent and child, setting up both for failure. Instead, pick one or two challenging behaviors that you’d like to improve and focus on those. Examples might be interrupting, not remaining seated, forgetting to put toys away, or arguing about bedtime. Whichever behaviors you choose to modify, understand the behavior changes must be gradual to be successful over time.Find Areas in Which the Child Excels or SucceedsNo one enjoys being subjected to constant criticism or complaints about their behavior. As every individual needs to feel good at something, constant criticizing can result in the child unwittingly working more at perfecting negative behaviors they get attention for rather than the positive behaviors if he or she is not praised. Help your child find an area or interest in which he or she is successful. This can be a sport, musical instrument, academic subject, art form, or other hobby. Being successful or having a strong interest in a hobby can greatly improve your child’s self-esteem and well-being. There is no single “best” activity for children with ADHD. Let their interests and enthusiasm be your guide.A healthy lifestyle will help not only your child but the entire family to preserve both physical and emotional health. Stick to a nutrition plan and avoid giving your child junk foods and “empty” calories on more than an occasional basis. While sugary foods are not a cause of ADHD, some parents find that lots of sugary foods may worsen their child’s symptoms. Sometimes older children with ADHD are so distracted and disorganized that they may skip meals or eat irregularly. Decreased appetite can be a side effect of some medications that treat ADHD. Try to ensure that your child is eating regularly, and small meals every few hours may be most effective for some children with ADHD. While allowing your child to enjoy childhood by allowing for an occasional treat, it is important to teach your child to make good food choices by modeling these choices yourself.Promote a Healthy Lifestyle – ExerciseExercise can help excitable children “burn off” excess energy, and regular exercise promotes physical well-being and healthy sleep habits. Encouraging your child to participate in organized sports after school can provide both regular exercise and the benefits of a regular and predictable schedule. Many children with ADHD do well in martial arts or yoga classes that emphasize mental as well as physical control over their bodies. In general, it’s important to pick a sport that suits your child and his or her abilities, but sports that involve constant activity or motion may be better choices for some kids than sports that have significant “down-time” like baseball or softball.Promote a Healthy Lifestyle – SleepSleep is the final factor in ensuring a healthy lifestyle for your child and family on a daily basis. If your child is not well-rested, he/she will have even more difficulty staying focused and on-task. Falling asleep can be difficult for children with ADHD who may be overstimulated and have an increased activity level. As part of your regular and predictable schedule, it’s important to have a set bedtime and bedtime routine. You can use a checklist or timer if you like to help your child make the transition to bedtime. Eliminating caffeine in your child’s diet as well as providing a calming nighttime ritual (such as cuddling or sharing a book or story) can help your child wind down at the end of an active day. For older children and teens, turning off the computer and storing cell phones and other electronic devices outside the child’s room for the night serve to prevent their interfering with sleep.Be sure your child is aware of your unconditional love and support, no matter how he or she behaves. Withdrawal of love or affection is never an appropriate consequence for undesired behavior. It’s OK to let your child know that you are angry or frustrated with his/her behavior at times, but remember to say “I love you” every day and be sure your child knows that he or she is an accepted and valued member of the family.Finally, don’t forget to take care of the caregiver. In addition to the joy of accomplishment, parenting a child with ADHD can bring on a variety of upsetting emotions, including embarrassment, anger, anxiety, worry, and frustration. In fact, you may feel any or all of these on a given day. Try to keep a sense of perspective and understand that your child’s behaviors are due to a disorder and may not always be under his or her full control.If you need a break, you shouldn’t feel guilty. Parenting is a stressful job, and it’s OK to accept help from family and friends in caring for your child. Take time off from parenting to spend time on activities you enjoy or even spend time alone in order to recharge yourself. You won’t be an effective parent or role model if you have no energy to devote to the process.
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